Practical Parenting Most Recent Practical Parenting Blogs en-US 2025-03-19T03:15:01 Measles: Understanding the Symptoms, Risks and Prevention Strategies In 2024 there were 285 cases of measles in the U.S. Of those, 96% were unvaccinated or under vaccinated. With outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico, there are already 164 cases in 2025 and one pediatric death. The best way to prevent this from happening is to make sure that children receive their vaccines on time. /blogs/practical-parenting/measles-understanding-the-symptoms-risks-and-prevention-strategies 2025-03-06T08:45:00 A Guide for New Parents: Expert Advice from a Le Bonheur Children's Physician Dr. Madeline Davis, a pediatrician at Le Bonheur Pediatrics, addresses some common health concerns new parents have. /blogs/practical-parenting/a-guide-for-new-parents-expert-advice-from-a-le-bonheur-children-s-physician 2025-03-03T12:00:00 Child Passenger Safety Tips In 2024, 48% of the kids who were hurt in a motor vehicle collision (MVC) that Le Bonheur's Trauma Team treated weren't restrained or improperly restrained. Here are tips from Safe Kids Worldwide on ensuring children are safe when traveling in a motor vehicle. /blogs/practical-parenting/child-passenger-safety-tips 2025-02-28T09:00:00 Opioid Exposure: Keeping Your Kids Safe Dr. Rudy Kink, Medical Director of Pedi-Flite and Pediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, offers important information for parents and caregivers. /blogs/practical-parenting/opioid-exposure-keeping-your-kids-safe 2025-02-25T02:00:00 Is it the Flu, RSV or COVID-19? Dr. Sandra Arnold, a Division Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases breaks down the differences between the flu, RSV and COVID-19 and offers guidance for when to seek care for your child. /blogs/practical-parenting/is-it-the-flu-rsv-or-covid-19 2025-02-03T11:00:00 Addressing Seasonal Affective Disorder in Kids Colby Butzon, PhD, a psychologist with Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, shares the signs of SAD in kids, its underlying causes and practical approaches to help them thrive even during the darker months. /blogs/practical-parenting/addressing-seasonal-affective-disorder-in-kids 2025-01-29T12:00:00 Do Kids Need to Take Vitamins and Supplements? Mark Corkins, MD discusses the often-confusing world of vitamins and supplements for children, why these nutrients are vital for growth and development and the safest ways to incorporate them into their diet. /blogs/practical-parenting/do-kids-need-to-take-vitamins-and-supplements 2025-01-22T12:00:00 Winter Weather Safety Tips Safe Kids Mid-South, led by Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, offers cold weather safety tips while “At Home, At Play and On the Way.” /blogs/practical-parenting/winter-weather-safety-tips 2025-01-06T01:30:00 Preventing Accidental Falls in Children Accidental falls can result in serious injuries – from skull fractures, brain bleeds and facial fractures – to broken extremity bones. /blogs/practical-parenting/preventing-accidental-falls-in-children 2024-12-24T08:00:00 Child Abuse: Signs, Prevention Tips and Resources In Tennessee, more than 8,000 cases of maltreatment were reported, nearly half of which involved physical abuse. Dr. Erin Wade, board-certified child abuse pediatrician and member of the CARES team (Child Advocacy Resource and Evaluation Services) at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital shares important information surrounding child abuse and ways the community can help to recognize and prevent it. /blogs/practical-parenting/child-abuse-signs-prevention-tips-and-resources 2024-11-26T11:00:00 7 dangerous things teens do while driving According to Safe Kids Worldwide, every day, six teens are killed in a motor vehicle crash in the U.S. What behaviors increase your teen’s risk for getting in a car accident? /blogs/practical-parenting/7-dangerous-things-teens-do-while-driving 2024-11-22T12:00:00 Don't Let Your Holiday Season Go Up in Smoke — Follow These Fire Safety Tips. Food, family, gifts and decorations are all highlights of the holiday season, and this year there is plenty to celebrate as we all gather together. The thing that can ruin all the fun is a home fire.  /blogs/practical-parenting/don-t-let-your-holiday-season-go-up-in-smoke-follow-these-fire-safety-tips 2024-10-29T12:45:00 What Does Your Child Need: Pediatrician’s Office, Urgent Care, or Emergency Room? When your child is sick or injured, how do you know if it's time to call their pediatrician, go to urgent care, or head to the emergency department? It can be confusing to know which of these options is the best place to be. /blogs/practical-parenting/what-does-your-child-need-pediatrician-s-office-urgent-care-or-emergency-room 2024-10-23T12:00:00 Navigating the Autumn “Sickness Season” The winter months are typically thought of as peak time for illnesses, but the truth is kids can get sick anytime of year. An especially tricky time is the back-to-school season when kids experience greater exposure to potential illnesses. How can parents best prepare? /blogs/practical-parenting/navigating-the-autumn-sickness-season 2024-10-09T01:00:00 Picky Eater or Eating Disorder? Understanding ARFID in Children Many children are picky eaters, refusing to eat things like vegetables or simply hesitant to try new foods. But when does pick eating turn into something more concerning? /blogs/practical-parenting/picky-eater-or-eating-disorder-understanding-arfid-in-children 2024-10-09T12:00:00 Keeping Kids Safe on the Streets: Essential Child Pedestrian Safety Tips For children ages 5-19, unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of death nationwide. Teenagers are at the greatest risk with a death rate twice that of younger children. At Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, we treated 54 kids who were struck by an automobile in 2023. This year we have treated 41 kids so far. Whether your child is walking to school, the park or a friend’s hou... /blogs/practical-parenting/keeping-kids-safe-on-the-streets-essential-child-pedestrian-safety-tips 2024-09-30T09:15:00 Safe Skincare for Preteens Young and younger- people are getting into the skincare game, which provides no shortage of options, many highlighted on social media by influencers. How do you know what’s safe (and what’s not) for your preteen? /blogs/practical-parenting/safe-skincare-for-preteens 2024-09-17T12:00:00 Why Is Childhood Suicide on the Rise? It’s devastating to lose anyone to suicide, but a child’s death is nearly unthinkable. Unfortunately, childhood suicide is on the rise. In 2022, one of the leading causes of death for teens and young adults was suicide. /blogs/practical-parenting/why-is-childhood-suicide-on-the-rise 2024-08-29T11:00:00 Adventure Safely: ATV Safety Tips for Kids All-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents are a common cause of Le Bonheur Emergency Room visits. Since 2020, Le Bonheur has cared for more than 400 kids who have been hurt in an ATV accident. /blogs/practical-parenting/adventure-safely-atv-safety-tips-for-kids 2024-07-30T10:00:00 Allergy or Intolerance? How to know the difference. Peanuts, eggs, wheat and milk. Most parents are aware of common food allergens, but could your child have an intolerance instead? /blogs/practical-parenting/allergy-or-intolerance-how-to-know-the-difference 2024-07-08T07:15:00 Fireworks safety Many summer celebrations wouldn’t be complete without fireworks. But when children are around it’s important to take extra precaution, as firework temperatures can reach extreme heights. /blogs/practical-parenting/fireworks-safety 2024-06-28T12:45:00 Water Safety With many community pools opening for the summer, it's important to remember to stay safe while in or around water. Children can drown in a matter of seconds. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death among children between 1 and 4 years old according to Safe Kids USA. /blogs/practical-parenting/water-safety 2024-06-27T10:00:00 How to stay safe in the summer heat Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are concerns this time of year. /blogs/practical-parenting/how-to-stay-safe-in-the-summer-heat 2024-06-26T02:00:00 Pediatric Heart Transplants: Preparation and Process For some children, a heart transplant is a life-changing, life-saving intervention. This delicate months-long process involves a patient, their entire family and a team of expert physicians and health care providers. /blogs/practical-parenting/pediatric-heart-transplants-preparation-and-process 2024-06-04T10:15:00 If you own a gun, prevent accidental injuries by following these safety practices The most effective way to keep kids safe from gun injuries is to have no guns in the home where children live or play. If you do have a gun in your home, follow these important tips to prevent accidental injuries. /blogs/practical-parenting/if-you-own-a-gun-prevent-accidental-injuries-by-following-these-safety-practices 2024-05-23T11:00:00 Importance of Pediatric Dental Care: From Infant to Teen Proper dental care is important for people of all ages, even among the youngest of patients. In fact, dental care actually starts in utero. /blogs/practical-parenting/importance-of-pediatric-dental-care-from-infant-to-teen 2024-05-07T01:45:00 Addressing Reflux in Babies Reflux in babies is a common occurrence, but many parents find it to be a challenging issue to navigate. How much reflux is “too much”? When should parents become concerned? /blogs/practical-parenting/addressing-reflux-in-babies 2024-04-23T09:45:00 Are you prepared in a bleeding emergency? May is National Stop The Bleed Month. May 23 is National Stop the Bleed Day, an awareness campaign intended to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. /blogs/practical-parenting/are-you-prepared-in-a-bleeding-emergency 2024-04-23T08:00:00 How to protect your eyes and safely view the solar eclipse Does your child really need to wear special protective eye glasses to view the solar eclipse? Yes, and here's why. /blogs/practical-parenting/how-to-protect-your-eyes-and-safely-view-the-solar-eclipse 2024-04-03T11:00:00 Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect We are often left wondering, was there a point at which someone could have intervened? A relative? A friend? A neighbor? Reporting suspected abuse is mandated by law. /blogs/practical-parenting/preventing-child-abuse-and-neglect 2024-03-27T01:15:00 Understanding Kids’ Fevers: From Common Illness to Febrile Seizures Fever in children can be a scary thing for parents, often causing them to wonder if a trip to the emergency room is necessary. Le Bonheur Pediatrician Blake Bergeron MD, of Pediatric Consultants, shares the advice he often gives parents when their child feels feverish. /blogs/practical-parenting/understanding-kids-fevers-from-common-illness-to-febrile-seizures 2024-03-04T11:45:00 SHIFT Program: Helping Children Heal from Traumatic Events Anyone who experiences trauma has a challenging road ahead. But, children can be especially susceptible to long-term effects from a traumatic experience that go beyond physical injury. The SHIFT program at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital was designed to help children and their families work through the aftermath of trauma. /blogs/practical-parenting/shift-program-helping-children-heal-from-traumatic-events 2024-02-16T02:30:00 Tech and Neuroscience: How technology is changing care for epilepsy and brain tumors In neuroscience, technology plays a key role—so much so that it has its own term: neurotechnology. James Wheless, MD, epileptologist, Le Bonheur Neuroscience Institute co-director, and chief of Pediatric Neurology, and Nir Shimony, MD, board-certified neurosurgeon with Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, share what types of technology are used today and why they are so impactful in how they care for ... /blogs/practical-parenting/tech-and-neuroscience-how-technology-is-changing-care-for-epilepsy-and-brain-tumors 2024-01-19T03:00:00 Parents: Follow these tips to keep your family safe while under a “boil water” advisory Due to freezing weather, multiple water line breaks and production issues have resulted in a significant loss of pressure in the drinking water system for customers of Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) in our area. /blogs/practical-parenting/parents-follow-these-tips-to-keep-your-family-safe-while-under-a-boil-water-advisory 2024-01-19T10:00:00 Understanding Vascular Birthmarks Birthmarks are very common, with the majority being harmless, benign marks on a child. Some birthmarks, called vascular birthmarks, may need attention from a dermatologist or other pediatric specialist. /blogs/practical-parenting/understanding-vascular-birthmarks 2024-01-17T03:30:00 4 simple ways to prevent burns and scalds Take simple precautions such as adjusting your water heater and using the back burners on your kitchen stove whenever possible. /blogs/practical-parenting/4-simple-ways-to-prevent-burns-and-scalds 2023-12-27T10:30:00 Save a Life: Don’t Text and Drive Texting while driving is becoming a life-threatening norm in our society. This is especially true for teenagers. Every day six teens are killed in a car crash in the United States. Distracted driving is the cause of death for seven percent of those deaths. This is more than any other age group on the road. At Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, we treated 49 teen drivers in 2022. Recent research f... /blogs/practical-parenting/save-a-life-don-t-text-and-drive 2023-11-30T02:30:00 RSV Season: How to Guard Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus We hear a lot about cold and flu season, but another affliction is common, especially for babies younger than two years old: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This virus attacks the lining of the airways and the /blogs/practical-parenting/rsv-season-how-to-guard-against-respiratory-syncytial-virus 2023-10-30T03:00:00 5 Parenting Tips Every New Parent Needs to Know Embark on the incredible adventure of parenthood with these five baby safety tips. /blogs/practical-parenting/5-parenting-tips-every-new-parent-needs-to-know 2023-09-22T02:00:00 The Importance of Good Sleep for Kids Anyone who has experienced a sleepless night (or many) knows how debilitating it can be. Difficulty concentrating the following day, low motivation or just being downright cranky are common side effects. Yet, much deeper effects can occur that set one up for residual problems especially in kids. /blogs/practical-parenting/the-importance-of-good-sleep-for-kids 2023-08-23T10:00:00 Why Your Child May Need an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) No two kids learn exactly the same. Sometimes, if a child is struggling in school, they may need something called an individualized education plan, or IEP. This designation falls under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which is a federal law that applies to all schools receiving federal funding. /blogs/practical-parenting/why-your-child-may-need-an-individualized-education-plan-iep 2023-08-01T01:15:00 Does Your Child Need Ear Tubes? If ear infections recur often, parents might need to consider a temporary solution: ear tubes. /blogs/practical-parenting/does-your-child-need-ear-tubes 2023-04-10T01:15:00 Managing Short Bowel in Children Medicines can slow down how quickly food moves through the bowel, so that more nutrients are absorbed. /blogs/practical-parenting/managing-short-bowel-in-children 2023-04-10T12:45:00 Poison prevention Every day, more than 300 children in the United States are treated in an emergency department as a result of being poisoned, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. /blogs/practical-parenting/poison-prevention 2023-03-01T01:20:00 Holiday Travel Safety Checklist Here are tips for keeping your kids safe during holiday travel. /blogs/practical-parenting/holiday-travel-safety-checklist 2022-12-07T11:15:00 What parents need to know about norovirus (the stomach bug) Norovirus is very contagious, and with cases confirmed in our area, it’s important for parents to know the signs and symptoms, as well as how to prevent infection. /blogs/practical-parenting/what-parents-need-to-know-about-norovirus-the-stomach-bug 2022-10-10T03:30:00 Myths and Facts about Suicide In 2017, 6,200 children and adolescents died by suicide, ranking suicide as the second leading cause of death among youth. However, the number of kids who have suicidal thoughts or survive suicide attempts outnumber the amount of kids who die by suicide. In recent years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have classified suicide and suicidal behavior as a public health crisis. /blogs/practical-parenting/myths-and-facts-about-suicide 2022-09-07T11:45:00 5 facts about RSV every parent needs to know Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a very common illness during the winter months, especially for babies under the age of two. RSV attacks the lining of the airways and lungs. This winter, prepare yourself with these five important facts about RSV. /blogs/practical-parenting/5-facts-about-rsv-every-parent-needs-to-know 2022-07-28T04:00:00 Swimmer's ear, allergy-related ear pain and other common summertime ear, nose and throat (ENT) issues Unfortunately, there are a number of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) issues that may arise during the summer season. /blogs/practical-parenting/swimmer-s-ear-allergy-related-ear-pain-and-other-common-summertime-ear-nose-and-throat-ent-issues 2022-07-25T12:30:00 Playground Safety Falls are the most common type of playground injury, accounting for more than 75 percent of all playground-related injuries. Lack of or improper supervision is associated with approximately 45 percent of playground-related injuries. /blogs/practical-parenting/playground-safety 2022-07-21T10:00:00